January 10, 2025 Brethren Letter

Dear Brethren,

I wanted to update you on what we are currently doing in the Church of God, Scattered Faithful. Our Church income for 2024 increased by MORE than 30% (an amount Mr. Armstrong often referred to when the Church grew).

We’ve been working hard on the next issue of the Lantern magazine for February 2025. The next issue will begin our fourth year of production. I’m excited about some of the upcoming articles with titles such as, “The Arab/ Israeli Impasse” by Mr. Geary Whiting, “Be Slow to Anger,” “Fruit of the Spirit (Part 1),” “Mystery of the Ages Overview (Part 1),” and a new section that will be added, “Biblical Personalities.” Each issue will focus on a specific biblical personality, beginning with the prophet “Daniel.”

Our subscription list for the Lantern magazine continues to grow. Beside the subscribers in the United States, we have other subscribers in Canada, France, and Great Britain. Soon, I will have to begin producing more copies for print (February, May, August and November) due to the increase.

For the Feast of Tabernacles, 2025, I have authorized two Feast sites in the continent of Africa, one site in the nation of Kenya, and one in South Africa. We will likely be adding a third Feast site in Africa very soon. The hotel facilities in Africa have been (or will be by early next week), reserved for the brethren in each area. The Church in Kenya has been growing. Mr. Erick Odhiambo recently wrote the following to me: “As you may know, we are expecting more people to attend the Feast [this] year than that of last year. So far, we have 110 … [to] attend the FOT this year. …we will rent the entire hotel to accommodate all of us.” Here in the United States, we’re looking at various hotels and hope to have everything completed sometime in the month of March.

There were three YOUTH CAMPS recently held in Africa. The youth in the Church are important to God and to all of us, for their wholesome and moral development through Biblical instruction, as well as enjoying various sports activities for becoming better, well-rounded individuals. Here is what Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong wrote about the Youth camp (S.E.P.) as it was planned for the summer camp of 1983 (Brethren Letter – March 1, 1983)…

“Dear Brethren of God’s Church,

Whether or not you have children ages 13 to 18, you should be much interested, even as I am, in the Summer Educational Program (S.E.P.) camps for this coming summer. There is no phase of God’s Work more important. These youths are those of the families of God’s people. God says (I Cor. 7:14) our own children are holy (sanctified — set apart for God). When and if converted they will be the LEADERS in God’s Church tomorrow — or leaders in the millennium under Christ’s reign.

At S.E.P. our young people, ages 13-18, can be taught the proper way to conduct their lives in a wholesome environment among other youths. They will find that God’s way of life is truly uplifting and inspiring with permanent rewards and not the temporary ones the world has to offer. The students will learn these true values of God’s way of life through the wide variety of programs while learning cooperation and respect for themselves and others.”

Mr. Erick Odhiambo wrote to me about the camp in Kenya …

“Numerous topics on Church doctrine were covered. As far as ages, from 5 to about 20. Now add 53 and 7 teachers attended the youth camp.

During teens day at the youth camp, they were able to enjoy action-packed days of bicycling, swimming, hiking, team building, sewing and playing sports such us Football, volleyball, basketball, tags of war and frisbee football. Other mainstays of the camp were campfires and Christian living classes. The teens really appreciated the opportunity to experience the fun and activities in a millennial setting among peers of like mind.”

Mr. Lawdi Ferriera wrote the following about the camp in South Africa…

“Our teaching for the youths were based on: Future teachers/leaders, Christian love, children’s way of life, teachers in the Millennium, sin and repentance, giving, Feast of Ingathering…

We had activities such as swimming, football, volleyball, touring, netball and tongue twisters…”

I wanted to share all the thrilling news with you. It’s truly wonderful to see the unity we have here in Church of God, Scattered Faithful. I’m reminded of Mr. Armstrong’s mother’s favorite scripture… “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1 – NKJV).

Please continue your prayers for our brethren who are going through severe trials right now. Remember the day is coming when all those physical trials will cease, and we will be SPIRIT in the Kingdom of God. “Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3 – (NKJV).

Please have a wonderful Sabbath!

Your Brother in Christ,

Gary Liebold

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