Herbert W. Armstrong - Plain Truth Magazine

Mr. Armstrong began The Plain Truth Magazine in 1934. Our free library includes every magazine issue available online.

Showing 391-400 of 479
The Plain Truth - 1983 September - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1983 September

Christianity Is a Growth Process How many times have you heard non-Christians, judging one who professes Christ, say in disgust, “Well if that’s Christianity, I don’t want any of it!” How many …

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The Plain Truth - 1983 October - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1983 October

Here’s Your Best Assurance of Holding a Job SOME of our readers are still in danger of losing their jobs or having their salaries cut even in this economic upturn. Right now …

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The Plain Truth - 1983 November-December - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1983 November-December

How to Understand the Bible THE ADVANCE news of tomorrow’s world is good news! This news is reported, before it happens, in the Bible. An entire third of all the Bible is …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 January - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 January

Are People Lost Because of Adam’s Sin? “Why is it,” some people will ask, “that this whole world has to suffer so much now, because of Adam’s sin?” There’s a common belief …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 February - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 February

The Only REAL Value of a Human Life Five decades ago, in the first edition of The Plain Truth, I could not have written this “Personal.” I did not then have UNDERSTANDING …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 March - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 March

There Is a Way of Escape THE TELEVISION movie on nuclear war, The Day After, has shaken a world from its complacent indifferent slumber. Too many people were getting used to violence …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 April - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 April

Why No Subscription Price? Many readers have written to me personally about our 50th anniversary issue. Some asked why there is no advertising. Let me explain. This magazine is UNIQUE! In many …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 May - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 May

Why God Permits Human Suffering LOOK at the world today! War, famine, pestilence! Poverty, inequality, hunger, want! Sickness, disease, suffering, death! Crime, graft, dishonesty, corruption! Insanity, degeneration, decay! Unhappiness, fear, wretchedness and …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 June - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 June

Why All These Churches? “WHY any church?” I asked myself in the fall of 1926. “Is religion, after all, the opiate of the people? Is there any reason, any purpose for religion …

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The Plain Truth - 1984 July-August - Herbert W. Armstrong

The Plain Truth – 1984 July-August

An Overview from Higher Up RIGHT NOW the world has its mind focused on the Olympic Games. Suppose we take an overview of Olympic history, down to its present nationalism, as seen …

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